BACKPACK PROJECT: Please help PSALT with providing school supplies to resettled North Korean school age children in the USA. PSALT is stuffing backpacks filled with school supplies, snacks, and notes of encouragement to send to North Korean students who have resettled in the U.S. in preparation for the upcoming school year. Monetary donations are also welcome. If you would like to help, please contact PSALT at
FREE NORTH KOREA RADIO RANKED BEST WEBSITE FOR NORTH KOREA NEWS: HELP SUPPORT THIS STATION: According to every single survey taken of North Korean escapees, Free North Korea Radio continues to be the most popular non-governmental program ever to broadcast into North Korea. It also continues to be ranked as the highest visited website for North Korea news. It is because they are breaking news stories all the time. Every month we have remarkably been able to raise the funds to cover the transmission of the broadcast of this award winning station staffed by North Korean defectors. The sponsorship program is led by the Defense Forum Foundation. Click here for more info in Korean and English.
We need your continued support. Two possible ways you can help:
Make a direct tax deductible donation to Defense Forum Foundation at
Buy a T-Shirt from Lisa Orme: Lisa Orme is selling T-Shirts that have an outline of the Korean peninsula stating I am their voice: freedom, democracy, unification for $25 (75% of funds raised go to Free North Korea Radio and 25% to the KCC). She can take credit card payments as well as checks. To order, email Lisa at
ATTENTION AMERICANS: PLEASE SEND A LETTER FROM AMERICA TO BE BROADCAST INTO NORTH KOREA: These letters expressing our hopes and dreams for the people of North Korea are a powerful way to introduce to North Koreans what Americans are really like and tear down the negative image that NK government propaganda has instilled in the minds of North Koreans. Please send a message from you to North Koreans (you only need to include your first name, city and state of residence). The letter will be read, translated, and broadcast into North Korea by Free North Korea Radio, a radio station run by NK defectors. Please send your letters via email to, and note in subject area “Letters from America”.
SUPPORT RESETTLEMENT IN THE U.S.: Please consider assisting or making a tax-deductible donation to these U.S. based non-profit organizations working for North Korea human rights:
North Korea Refugees in USA (NKinUS) is a non-profit organization founded in September 2011 by a group of North Korea refugees settled in the U.S. as well as people interested in North Korean human rights. NKUS supports market economy and free democracy, aims to aid in the resettlement of North Korean refugees, and take actions that are helpful to the reunification of the Korean peninsula. For more information:
Helping Angels for North Korea Refugees assists North Korean defectors with their resettlement in the United States. For more information, contact Pastor Heemoon Lee:
Publishing Research and Focusing Attention on Human Rights in North Korea: The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea: